I'm a fat girl. I don't want to be a fat girl anymore.
I'm starting a new job this week, and as part of the hiring process I had to undergo a physical. Everything was fine -- blood pressure good, hearing and vision (with glasses) okay, blood work looked fine as far as cholesterol, etc.
But my weight, well, it's an issue. As in a 365 lb issue.
Not good.
So the doctor who saw me, at my employer's expense, said this: Consider weight loss surgery.
It would've been kinder if he'd hit me with a dumbbell across the head. Several thoughts crossed my mind: Was I really that bad? Did it get to the point where I needed surgery? How did I let myself go? Can I save this without going under the knife?
Short answers: Yes, I'm that bad. No, not yet. I let myself go for several reasons: laziness being one of them. Yes, I can rectify this situation without surgery.
So here we are. I've decided to blog about this to share my experience with other people, people who -- like me -- either don't want or can't afford surgery, who need to lose weight, and who also can't stomach or afford fad diets or taking weeks off work to go on a show like "The Biggest Loser."
I've thought about my goals, and they're pretty simple:
- Watch what I eat. No, I'm not doing some macrobiotic, no carbs, special diet pills/bars diet. I'm not spending a dime extra on what I consume. I'm just going to do three things: watch my servings (portion size and limiting myself to one serving), avoid snacking, and avoid sweets (with the exception of special occasions).
- Exercise regularly. This doesn't mean 2 hours a day, 7 days a week. It means 3-4 times a week for an hour, and doing little things -- parking farther away from the store, taking stairs rather than the elevator, going for walks -- in between.
- Blog whenever possible. I want to share what I'm doing with the world to see if I can help one other person and to share my success with the world.
- Be realistic. I don't have set weight loss number in mind. The government says I should weight something like 117 pounds. Guess what? That isn't happening. I will never be 117 pounds and I will never wear a size 6. But I'd settle for wearing a size 18-22, which is a lot less than what I'm wearing now.
- Be honest. This won't get anywhere if I'm not honest with me and honest on the blog. I'm not going to pretend things are going well when they aren't, lie and say I had celery sticks for a snack when I really ate a pan of brownies, or pretend I walked 8 miles on the treadmill when I sat and watched reruns of "COPS" on Tru TV.
I'll work out things like links, comments, and possibly a Twitter account later on as this process moves forward.
Until next time...
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